I Go Dye Rewards 5 Nigerians With $5,000 For Promoting Peace

Popular stand-up comedian, I Go Dye has rewarded 5 Nigerians with $5,000 dollars each for promoting peace.
The winners lent their voice in support of peace as Nigeria prepares to make a major decision in its general elections.
Sharing the photos of the winners, Comedian I Go Dye wrote:
“Today we present Francis Agoda path of honour peace prize of $1000 each to the winners for using their platform to promote peace for I Go Dye #istandforpeace2019elections campaign……The last winner didn’t qualify because he used someone’s else material, $1000 is still available for other contestants, so do your video with #istandforpeace2019elections tagged @igodye_Congratulations to @david_victorious,@radiospiceyemi,@the_kingcomedy, @mcabilitea#istandforpeace2019. I believe that today’s world is built around uncertainties because we neglect promoting peace beyond our immediate environment resulting to loss of live and property, which could have been managed or avoided if human resources development is given more fundamental priority and reward those that promote peace.”