Update! JAMB Matriculation List Portal For Undergraduates

Update! JAMB Matriculation List Portal For Undergraduates

Following the new JAMB policy that all students to be mobilized for the National Youth Service Corps must be on its matriculation list, the board has enabled the portal for students preparing for youth service to check if their names are on the list to ensure a smooth and successfully mobilization.

The Matriculation list portal was also created to enable students to easily confirm if their admission is recognized by JAMB.

JAMB Matriculation List Portal For Undergraduates
JAMB Matriculation List Portal For Undergraduates

According to JAMB, it is important that you confirm your name from the matriculation list. Only candidates whose names are on this list are recognised as bonafide students from the various accredited institutions.

How to Confirm Your Name on JAMB Matriculation List

To qualify to be on the Matriculation List:

  • Print your JAMB Admission Letter Online from the e-Facility Platform
  • Print your JAMB Result Slip Online from the e-Facility Platform
  • Verify the two documents with the admission officer in your Institution


Indispensable _Hurly