Confirm! Whoever Snatches Ballot Box Risks Death – Buhari Warns Nigerians

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday said whoever dares snatch ballot box during the election will risk death.
Speaking at an emergency caucus meeting, Mr. Buhari said anybody who gets directly or indirectly involved in the snatching of ballot boxes during the 2019 general election does so “at the expense of his own life”.
The meeting was summoned to restrategize, following the postponement of general elections by Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC.
Mr. Buhari added further those who influence ballot box snatch it may find out it is their last unlawful action.
“Anybody who decides to snatch ballot boxes or lead thugs to disturb, it may be that [this will be] the last unlawful action you will take,” Mr. Buhari said.
“I rarely give the military and the police [the power] to be ruthless. We are not going to be blamed but we won’t rig election. I want Nigerians to be respected; let them vote whoever they want across the parties. I’m not afraid of it.
“The whole 36 states in Nigeria, I went round. I think I have got enough support across the country to look after me. So I’m going to warn anybody who thinks he has enough influence in his locality to lead a body of thugs to snatch boxes or to disturb the voting system, he will do it at the expense of his own life.”