For Upcoming Artists: How To Promote Your Music And Succeed In Nigeria

A major question they ask at the beginning of their musical journey is how do I promote my music? Since major record labels like Mavin, Kennis Music, Chocolate city and Storm records that can manage, package and promote your songs will hardly get you signed.
You will need to take up responsibility as your own music promoter.
Experience shows that unlike the USA where big labels like Sony BMI, Rockafella and Young money records can sign up an artiste based on raw talent alone, in Nigeria you will have to showcase your talent and songs to a certain extent before you will be noticed by the music promoters, marketers and record labels.
There is the believe that without the big bucks you cannot promote your music on the radio stations which prompts thoughts like if only I had a record label/marketer/promoter.
The good thing is you can do it yourself without putting a big hole in your pocket and you do not have to rely on any record label, marketer or promoter.
Following the tips below will show you how to promote your music and get that basic exposure while also increasing your fan base.
Note that nothing good comes easy and you will need to sacrifice either in form of time, efforts, a night’s sleep just to get what you want.
Apply these tips to your success.
Sorry I cannot teach you how to write a song. I believe you are reading this because you have the talent already to compose and record a good song. but You can read how to improve your musical skill here The type of song you do should be targeted to an audience with a good taste in music. It does not matter the genre hip-hop, rock, dance hall, Rap, R n B, classic, alternative- whatever! You should do music to impress thousands of fans and not just your family and close friends.
Be it a club performance or sponsored show just be noticed. Keep your ears on the ground for upcoming shows and try to make friends with event organizers and tell them to put you on the list of performers and that you don’t mind doing it for free. Talk to the DJ at the club, give him a promo copy of your CD and encourage him to play it on his shows. You get to meet music industry people at musical shows. Build and maintain your contacts with them. You don’t know who has a marketer in Alaba or who has a friend in that radio station.
Get account on social websites like Facebook, Twitter, and instagram which gives you the platform to interact with your fans. Update your social network profile regularly with interesting pictures and videos of you. Photos from an event you performed or a video of a studio recording session should do. You get not only fans from Nigeria but all over the world with these type of websites. Social networking is good for your music career but we all know getting huge followers and attention on social media is a very big task and you may need to hire a professional to handle the job for you. Do not underestimate the power of the internet in building your music career, You can check out our social media promotion service here
You want your songs to reach a wide audience and people generally love free music downloads. Upload your songs to music sites like Soundcloudand and promote your download links to your fans on the social networking sites.
You can ask your fans to checkout your profile on these music sites and also share it with their friends. This will keep your songs in circulation. Do not worry about not being paid right now. People will pay you to perform at shows when your songs become popular.
You should submit your songs with a little profile and album art/ pictures to the top entertainment and music blogs and websites like Some of the best Nigerian music/entertainment blogs. You might ask for an interview. Some of them will feature your profile and music; others may not even reply your email. It is normal as an upcoming musician to face those things. When you become a celebrity, most of them will come begging you for an interview.
There is always a headquarters of any industry. Alaba being the headquarters of the Nigerian music marketers, you should familiarize yourself with the people at Alaba. Try to get your song on the monthly Alaba produced DJ mixes even if you may be asked to pay for this.
Most Nigerian celebrity and superstar musicians went to Alaba for promotion in their upcoming days. That’s the home for Nigerian music and movie marketers. Imagine what a contact at Alaba will do for your musical career.
8. The best things are not for FREE!
Dont be reluctant when it comes to spending, in the present Nigerian music industry if you can’t pay the right people I’m sorry to say your music will go nowhere, OAPs, Social Media publicists, Radio/Satellite channels, Magazines, Top DJs, Top bloggers, music promotion companies, don’t joke with the services of those people, consult them to work for you even if it requires paying them huge amounts for the publicity you need just for you to get to the top.
You Can Contact Keen_Kodez || || 08106075878 for your music promotion