“I’m About To Drop The Best Rap Album Since DAGRIN “CEO” – Erigga Boasts

Erigga The Erigama 2 album cover
Erigga The Erigama 2 album cover
Erigga “The Erigama 2” album cover

Top Nigerian rapper Erigga has shared a post on twitter which boats to the release of a new album that stands same taste and quality as the late DAGRIN’s album C.E.O. (Chief Executive Omoita) released in 2010


Erigga is getting ready for the release of his next album “The Erigma 2” in October this year. According to him, the album is here to put other rappers in their place and it’s the best rap album since Dagrin’s CEO album.




There’s no doubt, the rapper Erigga is well talented – We will patiently wait for next month for the release of his album.

Do you think Erigga’s album can be as good as DAGRIN’s CEO album ?
