JAMB mock exam to hold next week

Going by the information earlier provided by JAMB, the mock examination for 2021 prospective UTME candidates will hold Friday, April 30th, 2021. That is a week from now. The purpose of the Mock examination is to give candidates an idea of what the actual UTME will look like.
The Mock Exam is totally optional and you can choose NOT to write. If you would like to take the JAMB UTME Mock Exam, then you will need to indicate this when registering for the 2021 JAMB UTME. Candidates who intend to take the Mock exam must ensure they register on or before April 24th.
You can set your own mock questions, test your self and see how prepared you are for the main exam.
For those who have indicated interest to take the UTME Mock Exam, you will have to wait until you have received a message to tell you what centre you will write the UTME Mock Exam.
You will also need to make a payment of N700 to the CBT centre, in order for you to take the UTME Mock Exam.
For those who will not participate in the mock, remember that Giditrendz will provide you updates so you too can follow up with the conduct of the mock exam, or if there’s any tips or tricks you should take note of before the main exam. You can always follow us on any our social media handles or our ever active “WhatsApp group” so we can share some of their experiences and questions encountered in the mock exams.
Best of luck to all candidates!