List Of Countries That Grant Citizenship Easily

List Of Countries That Grant Citizenship Easily

Here we at intend to explain the list of countries that grant citizenship easily. Enjoy it.

Many people contemplating or planning to relocate to another country to start a new life and also seek a greener pasture, while some are interested in the passport of the different nation today to have a second country to retire to and live their life with their family stress-free, but the major problem most of these people are faced with is the issues of citizenship, that’s why this piece is centred on a list of countries that grant citizenship easily

Also, people plan to relocate from their environment probably as a result of bad weather condition that is not favourable to the person as an individual or his business.

Some planned relocation either to improve their standard of living and improves the lives of their families. Also, some planned relocation maybe after taking a tour to such country and see how conducive it is and how beautiful serene such country is blessed with, they might be prepared their mind to take a relocation to this country. Many country citizenships are not easily gotten by immigrants of such country why some countries do not even give citizenship to any immigrants. So in this write-up, we will be writing fully on countries that give their citizenship permits to immigrants easily should in case you are planning for relocation soon or you are planning to retire to a second country, this write-up will help you make a decision on which of the countries you can get their citizenship easily.


The Dominican Republic is known to be one of the countries that grants one of the less stressful, and platforms for immigrants regarding citizenship. For anyone planning to retire to this country, there should be a guarantee that his or her pension income is not less than $1,500 US dollars. And someone who just migrates to this country is expected to earn not less than $2,000 US dollars and all his basic requirements are settled then, such individual may proceed to apply for permanent residency in which after two years having this card qualify such fellow to apply for citizenship of that nation. Within three years or slightly above all these processes would have been settled and the total price as of 2015 was $6,000 to apply for both citizenship and residency permit. This whole process can be avoided and reduced to just 2 years if immigrants make an investment of over $200,000 US dollars in the country. The only thing will the former one is such investment by the immigrants must sustain such investment cannot be made available to immigrants until his citizenship card has been processed and approved.

Please note that part of the requirements while applying for citizenship is that an immigrant is required to pass a language proficiency interview in the local language, which is Spanish. And other medical-related credentials to be submitted before been granted. The Dominican Republic allows dual citizenship


This country is a lot easier to become a citizen by naturalization, all that this entails is to live in this country for a few years and above couple with a total of four years residing in the country for the first 8 years of stay. Some years of this stay can be wave if only there are documents to back up any history of your parents or grandparents or history of family you come from this country. That it is, you can trace your ancestry to Ireland. Even though the country will not allow citizens to operate a dual citizenship


Peru gives 2 years way to have the citizenship of this country which requires of you a little investment and little effort. This cost $25,000 US dollars which u are to pay within these two years and also you are given ample opportunity to pay it in an instalment form. You can get your application for residency approved in space for 3 months and you will be given 6 months to put yourself in order in your home country in preparation for Peru. After getting to this country and you have spent 2 years you are qualified to apply for citizenship.

Before you can be granted this citizenship, you will take a test on the history of the country, learn about their language which is Spanish and learn about their culture. This country permits you to operate dual citizenship compare to another country that does not allow you to operate this system.


The citizenship of the City-State of Singapore is achievable and worth thinking of. What you have to do first is to apply for permanent residency in this country and you can only achieve this by setting up a business in this country.

If you cannot set up a business, you can get married to a Singaporean or opt-in for an employment visa in this country.

Immediately it is two years of your stay in this country you can apply for citizenship.

Although citizenship by investment or setting up a business can be costly, there are other viable alternatives worth considering in granting Singaporean citizenship.


Canadian citizenship is not as strict as in other countries. Before you can be granted a residency permit, you either secure employment in this country or have another means of income to get the permit. Take for example before you can move to Canada, you need to show proof of $12,164 US Canadian dollars to travel as a skilled immigrant. Immediately after you secure your resident permit permanently you can now proceed to apply for citizenship by naturalization after your 4 years of stay in the country.


in the conclusion of this write-up, it is important to note that the aforementioned countries are not the only country that gives citizenship but they are listed as one of the countries that offer the easiest method of application. You can as well read about the country of your choice if they are not on the list.

Indispensable _Hurly