Nigerian Airports At High Alert As SARS Virus Spreads Worldwide

Following the spread of the newly discovered SARS virus in China, International airports in Nigeria, yesterday went on red alert as they intensified the screening of inbound passengers.
Passengers flying in and out of the country have been advised by the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) to comply with all quarantine procedures at airports nationwide to prevent the importation of the virus.
The virus which first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan is a coronavirus which was contracted from eating a sea creature. The virus has already been detected in passengers in US and Taiwan. Nigeria is hoping to prevent it reaching her shores.
The General Manager (Corporate Affairs) at FAAN, Henrietta Yakubu, said all the equipment and personnel used in combating the deadly Ebola virus in 2014 were still much in place at the airports and were being deployed accordingly.
The FAAN general manager added that there are thermal scanners at its airports to monitor the temperature of passengers and capture their pictures. “When passengers walk pass the scanner, it registers their temperature. And if it’s too high, they are pulled aside for observation.
FAAN, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health, has confirmed the adequacy of the facilities at the nation’s airports, to prevent the importation of the virus through the airports. Passengers are therefore advised to submit themselves for routine quarantine checks whenever they are asked to,” Yakubu said.