SUICIDE RATE!! Federal Government Ban SNIPER In Nigeria

2 days ago, the Federal Government of Nigeria put a permanent Ban on Sniper because it’s the major product used mostly in the country as far as suicide is concerned.
Sniper is no doubt the best Insecticide in Nigeria right now but sadly, many Nigerians have decided to use it wrongly but is Banning it the way forward? If you ask me, my answer is definitely going to be a NO
Yes, we understand that the Government is trying to control/stop the alarming Suicide rate in the Country but
Is Banning Snipper the way forward?
Is banning it the right thing to do to reduce Suicide rate?
These as been the questions on everyone’s lips ever since the News of the Sniper Ban surfaced.
From your own understanding and knowledge,
What Do You Think The Government Should Do To Reduce/stop Suicide In The Country?
Let’s hear from you all on this very important issue.
Your comments/opinions are highly needed.
Thank you