Things You Need To Know About Piggery Business Plan in Nigeria

Many people want to do their business. You can open your business even in rural areas, far from the city limits. For example, it can be piggery business in Nigeria. The pig farming in Nigeria has significant prospects for growth, because quality pork is in demand. In addition, the breeding of pigs is one of the simplest processes, animals grow quickly and do not require specific care. But first of all you need to write a piggery farm business plan. You need to know about cost of starting a pig farm, how to start and pig buyers in Nigeria.
Business plan on piggery
A small farm includes 50 pigs; the piggery business plan consists of several important items:
- Search for the location of the farm;
- Selection of equipment;
- Purchase of pigs and feed.
These are the 3 most important items in agricultural entrepreneurship on which the success of the pig farm depends on. In addition, it is necessary to obtain quality certificates and permits for the sale of products from the sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary service. The process of registering a farm can be delayed, so we recommend you instruct the collection and registration of all documents to an experienced lawyer.
The location and building for the pig farm
The business plan of a pig farm for 50 or more pigs assumes such an important stage as the search for a suitable land plot and building. It is important to know that it is impossible to breed pigs within the city, this is possible behind its features.
The area for the pig farm must be flat, elevated, away from residential buildings, ponds and swampy soil. If possible, the area is best purchased or rented next to a forest.
The floor space for a 50-head farm must be at least 250 square meters. This figure includes 2.5 square meters for each individual, passages between compartments, pens, utility rooms and tambours. Since the pig farm plans to breed livestock, it will be prudent to establish a division into 3 zones within the premises:
- Zone intended for sows. It is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for livestock;
- Zone for wild boars;
- Zone for piglets, where you also need to pay attention to warm rooms. Piglets are very sensitive to low temperature.
Purchase of pigs
Fifty heads are enough for a small farm business, but first of all it is necessary to purchase sows, because with them the pig farm business is realized. Important points to consider when buying and keeping pigs:
- To buy sows is necessary in any breeding farm, it is undesirable to purchase them from the hands or in outside firms;
- For sows, it is important to create favorable conditions for life: maintain a good sanitary and epidemic state in the room, conduct heating, install a ventilation system;
- Feeding all pigs should not only be wheat, but supplement the diet with compound feed.
The purchasing process should be prepared in advance. It is also important to choose the breeds that will be bred. In the pig farm business, there is a tendency to merge several breeds. It is believed that hybrids adapt better to different temperature conditions.
What kind of specialists to hire
If we are talking about a small pig farm for 50 animals, then it is enough to have in staff:
- Accountant;
- Service staff.
But with a frequency of 1-2 times a month, you should consult a veterinarian to check the health of the pigs and the zootechnician to maintain the pig farm in normal working condition. If over time the business will expand, and the entrepreneur will additionally grow food, it will be necessary to hire an agronomist.
Financial calculations and payback period
To obtain information about the payback of a business, in addition to information on expenses, it is necessary to have information about future revenues. These calculations contribute to the business plan for pig farm, supporting the statistics, tables, calculations.
Without specific indicators and information on equipment, it is difficult to calculate the projected profit from the business. However, statistics show that small pig farms payback in 2-3 years.