To All Upcoming Artiste ➨ Here Is How To Get Good Record Label In Nigeria

Hello Guys,
Are you an upcoming singer/rapper? We understand the frustration and the hustle, it is well with you 😃
Let’s talk further on this Topic so everyone can learn, do the needful and Win at the end.
Let’s go 👇
1. Most Artistes Focus On Getting Record Labels Than Getting Good Contents
From my experiences over the years dealing & working with uncountable numbers of upcoming artistes, I have got to know that majority of them focus more on getting Record Labels rather than getting good songs or video done.
They energy and time they waste on sourcing for Record Label is way too much and I can bet most of them will be better off if they venture the same energy in getting good contents and excellent promotions done for their contents.
2. Record Labels Are Also Looking For Who To Sign
The truth is that Record Labels are also on the lookout for Talented Artistes to sign to their Label so they can make more money and build good reputations for their own brands.
Everyone is busy looking for good hands to work with to even go more higher!
No Record label is interested in signing a Pest, Time waster, Resources waster or Funds waster.
3. How Well Have You Promoted Your Song/Video?
This is very important but how many upcoming artistes today even care about promoting their songs well?
Good promotion opens the eyes of people to your Song, Video and Brand be it to your Fans or Record Label. It gives you the needed exposure to blow, make money, meet the right people that matters to your career/hustle.
I hope you all who just record songs or shoot videos without the intention of promoting it won’t get angry when those who Records & Promote are getting the Cakes and raking in all the money.
You shouldn’t even get angry, they paid they dues and they deserve all the Accolades they can get.
4. Can You Spend Your Own Hard Earned Money On Senseless Things?
Before I go ahead with my point here, can you spend your hard earned money, time and effort on an ugly girl you know you can’t marry?
Record Labels too don’t want to spend their money on Artiste who don’t have talents nor the potential to bring back More Money for them if they invest on you.
Nobody wan lose na or waste the little money they’ve got.