Zeesolute and Choppinglifeuniversal Present Boys in Da Hood Rap Cypher (BDH RAP CYPHER)

Zeesolute and choppinglifeuniversal
Boys in da hood rap cypher (BDH RAP CYPHER)
Influential dj xsco

BDH Rap cypher is a freestyle section rap battles for every talented artist out there who feels he or she got bars (lyrics) and ready to prove and show Ghana Africa and the world what he or she got, this cypher is to help promote, build and expose young artist. Practice make perfect its what they said and at some point every new comer and underground artist need where to show and sharpen his or her talent before going to the world stage.
This rap cypher is not to promote violence or evil among youths but promote unity love and in built God given talent and peace in out society , also to teach the youth how to use social media positively inspire people with there talent positively
BDH rap cypher is not just about rappers, singers are also welcome, who so ever that is creative at what ever that has do with art is welcome…
Every segment of BDH rap cypher will be on YOUTUBE, INSTAGRAM,FACEBOOK,BLOGS etc also on TV station as we proceeds
(Your gift talent or skills will make you sit and dine with kings and queen if you discover your self on time and make good use of it) last time we check people of poor background have been able to make a living via music, movie, soccer, painting dancing etc with out or with formal education.
It will be our honor and joy to see our youths becoming successful and environment free from heated and violence but filled with love and success story promoting Africa culture positively to the world…
BDH rap cypher is open to sponsorship and partnership from company and brands
Z.I.M recording studios has choose to be part of this has we going to be having the BDH cypher in there recording studio
Zeesolute fashion house has also promise to be paying 2 free recording section at Z.I.M recording studio every month end for any 2 good and talented artist..
For Enquire or Participation: WhatsApp +234 814 801 5402